Error Message
When using Microsoft Excel, you may see this message. “The file you are trying to open, ‘PassFile.XLS’ is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?”
This file is a tab delimited file that has the XLS file extension to open easily in your spreadsheet software. It is safe to click yes. Remember, you cannot modify this file. See the record keeping tutorial in the RLS Course Manager.
Make sure you have Microsoft Excel on the computer you are using to access the Pass/Fail Files.
Be sure that the spreadsheet is not open during
testing. Check all required permissions as shown in the installation guide. You
must give full “permissions” to the RLS Directory (the default or the
name selected upon installation) to each workstation for the system to work as
well as the A6W_DATA folder in Windows. See the installation instructions for
more details.
RLS cannot find the program associated with the file you are trying to open. If you are opening a site-specific information link, you need to have Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer on the computer and it must be set up as the default program for the file name extension “.doc”. If you are trying to open the spreadsheet, you must have Excel or Open Office Calc with the proper file name extension association.
Contact us through the support link for the missing/corrupt file. You will need to add or replace it in the RLS folder. |
RLS must be installed as the administrator, not as a user. Be sure to reboot your system after installation. Review all appropriate permissions listed in the installation guide. Please refer to the installation instructions. RLS will operate on all Windows systems up to and including Windows 10.
Installation must be done as an administrator, not a user. You must give full “permissions” to the RLS Directory (the default or the name selected upon installation) to each workstation for the system to work. Each time an employee goes through a program, they create and delete text files and append xls files.
One other file folder is automatically created upon the first opening of the RLS program. With Windows 98 and 2000 (ME) edition, this folder, A7W_DATA, is set up under the Windows folder on the C drive and permissions may need to be set for writing to that folder. In later systems, permissions are defaulted to allow writing. In Windows XP, you would most likely find the folder under C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application Data\Macromedia\Authorware 7\A7W_DATA. In later Windows systems RLS will store this data folder under the roaming user account: In Windows 7, that account would most likely be: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Authorware 7\A7W_DATA.
In a server/workstation application, the A7W_DATA folder is created on the workstation or client once the program is opened on that computer.
Refer to the installation instructions that came with the CD or download.
It can be run on a Local Area Network (LAN) but not on a Wide Area Network (WAN) per the licensing agreement of the software.
Rogers Learning System requires access to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel (or other MS compatible software) in order for the program to operate properly. Also, a default printer must be designated for each computer where training will be accessed.
If you are experiencing record-keeping or certificate printing problems, they are most likely caused by one of the following issues:
Failure to uninstall the previous version of RLS.
If there has been a previous version of Rogers’ Learning System installed, it must be uninstalled before the new version is installed. (be sure to save your pass and fail (PassFile.xls, Fail File.xls) records before uninstalling your old system!) Failure to uninstall the old system can cause record-keeping problems.
Failure to grant the Proper Permissions to allow RLS to access Microsoft Office programs.
“Permission issues” arise if administrative rights are not properly granted. Rogers’ Learning System will run on all Windows operating systems up to and including Windows 10. In Windows 10, administrative rights may be granted by “right clicking” on the RLS shortcut on your desktop, select “Run as administrator” from the dropdown menu. This will only need to be done the first time the computer accesses the RLS program. (it will, however, need to be done on each desktop or laptop that accesses the system). Older versions of Windows will have similar methods of granting permission.
Failure to properly configure your existing software
Another “Permission issue” may arise if your system utilizes 365. In some cases, you must access your Microsoft 365 setup files to allow your system to access older .doc and .xls files.
Failure to have a “designated printer” on your computer.
Failure to have a “designated printer” on your computer will also create problems. (RLS needs to be able to send the print file to the designated printer buffer. If the printer is operational, the quiz certificate will Print. If the printer is off-line, the file will remain in the print buffer).
Failure to protect the integrity of RLS system files.
If the PassFile.xls or FailFile.xls have been accessed through the Course-manager (or other means) and “improperly saved” or have been “altered” in any way the system cannot record properly. If this occurs, you will lose all data after the point where the corruption occurred. If you have a problem with “missing” data in the Pass or Fail file and the file is corrupted, you may contact Rogers’ Learning System to have empty replacement files provided to you. Please submit a support ticket to have the file sent to you.
When using Microsoft Excel, you may see this message. “The file you are trying to open, ‘PassFile.XLS’ is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?”
This file is a tab delimited file that has the XLS file extension to open easily in your spreadsheet software. It is safe to click yes. Remember, you cannot modify this file. See the record keeping tutorial in the RLS Course Manager.
Make sure you have Microsoft Excel on the computer you are using to access the Pass/Fail Files.
In OpenOffice Calc be sure to open the file as a tab delimited file. When you click on the pass file link you will see the screen shown below. Be sure to check the Separator options to “Separated by” and a checkmark by “Tab”.

Refer to the installation instructions that came with the CD or download.
RLS cannot find the default printer on your computer or workstation. Check your printer settings to ensure that you have a “designated printer.”
Be sure that the spreadsheet is not open during
testing. Check all required permissions as shown in the installation guide. You
must give full “permissions” to the RLS Directory (the default or the
name selected upon installation) to each workstation for the system to work as
well as the A6W_DATA folder in Windows. See the installation instructions for
more details.
First, by pressing Ctrl+Q or by clicking on the quit button in the program. In either case, the system will not record any results, pass or fail.
RLS requires MS Word and Excel files for recording and printing test results. However, you can use Open Office Writer and Calc as long as it is set by default to open .doc and .xls files. (.doc files will be opened on a workstation, .xls files on the server in a LAN configuration.)
Open Windows Explorer. Click on Tools, Folder Options, File Types. Click on the file types you want to open that file type. Choose the applicable program.
The file type for MS Word is .doc. The program in Open Office is Writer. The file type for MS Excel is .xls. The program is Open Office is Calc.
All requests for Custom
work will be done based on the time and materials necessary to produce the
program. Call
706-936-6270 for more details on custom work.
It can be run on a Local Area Network (LAN) but not on a Wide Area Network (WAN) per the licensing agreement of the software.